
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Anything Rainbow

Rainbow fascinates Rianne. She loves them, she draws them, lots and lots of them. She loves wearing anything with rainbow on it or anything with rainbow colors. One day, she wore a rainbow colored striped shirt and paired it with a rainbow colored stripe pants.

Here are some of her rainbow drawings.

 Rianne loves turtles and rainbow, what a treat!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Rianne has been into spelling lately. She loves to draw and now she does them with an additional treat, spelling her words.

Her are some of her pictures lately.

Explode. She called Dad one morning to show him what she spelled. Dad was pretty amazed by it that he showed it to many including her parents and co-workers.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Princess and Paper Crown

Rianne loves being a princess. She loves wearing a princess dress that I bought her, sometimes for three straight days. It did need quite a skill of convincing for her to take it off so I could put it in the wash. She likes wearing anything princess, such as crown, cape, sparkly shoes and of course sparkly dresses, the puffier - the better.

She is quite an artistic girl too. She likes to make crowns from paper, decorating them and wearing them like princesses do.

She came down from upstairs with this baby blanket once and asked me to make a cape out of it for her. She proudly paraded her outfit at Tyrone Mall play area that day.  I saw many smiles and some smirks but I didn't care very much. All I cared about was that Rianne was clearly happy and proud of how she looked that day. To me she definitely was and is always will be a real princess.

I try to always remind them that what is more important, being princess, than having a crown and puffy dresses is what is inside their heart and character. She twirled around and made a princess bow to express her agreement as she said yes.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bus Ride To School

Carl started his new job as Senior Software Engineer for American Express Serve on the 29th of September. It makes me really happy to hear him enjoying his job, it's a big relief for us all. Dad is an avid bus fan. He takes pride and pleasure in taking the bus and be a part of the community. Wake up time for everybody got pushed one hour earlier, at 6:00 a.m, when he started taking the girls to school by bus. They would walk along the trail behind our house to 58th Street and catch the bus there that will take them to school at around eight in the morning. He takes books with him so he could read books with the girls while waiting for the gate to open at 8:05. He then only have about ten minutes to take the girls in, put bags and lunch bags away and walk to the bus station to catch the bus that will take him to work. So far, the walks had been fun and enjoyable for all of them.

Carl normally shares some pictures and dialogues from girls like this ones:

The kids wanted to pull the cart for a while
 Our kids are probably the only ones at Sanderlin to see an eagle
on the way to school.
 Kids are a lot happier than earlier
Playing on the bus

I did enjoy my morning walk with them last week. It was a very pleasant day and the morning breeze reminded me of my many mornings in Bombon as a little girl. Here are some of the pictures from our walk.

Rianne and Mikelle about to get on the bus
 Dad's cart with the girls' bags, lunch boxes, his back pack, his lunch bag, their jackets and an umbrella. Dad is that cool!
 On our way home, Talia saw a number of animals. In the picture is a bird on the branch and a squirrel climbing the palm tree. It was fun and refreshing listening to birds chirping, other animals sounds and creaking sounds from trees as the wind blows on them.
 Talia walked for a little bit and had so much fun waving hi to people on bicycles.

We do feel very blessed for the many blessings we have been given. Everyday, we are amazed of the many wonderful things that surround and make up our lives - happy and healthy family, beautiful place to live, career to enjoy, loving branch to belong to, and just having each other. Oh how thankful we are to our Father in Heaven for such a full life.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cutting The Littlest Rectangle

Look in her finger tip and you'll see the littlest rectangle Rianne has ever cut, as of yet. She was very proud of herself to be able to cut a rectangle as small as this one. It is indeed a big accomplishment for a girl who, a few weeks ago, had a really hard time holding the scissors correctly. She played with it for the longest time and was pretty unhappy when she lost it. Following my suggestion, she cut another one even smaller than this one and was proud saying that she found a solution to her problem.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Pre-Reading Activity

Rianne loves going to school. She talks about it a lot when I pick her up in the afternoon. I am glad to hear that she does take a nap after lunch because she and Mikelle said their goodbyes to nap time in our house a while ago.

She is learning many things like patterns, shapes, numbers, songs and many others. She like singing the leap frog song on alphabet sounds. She still does not know all of her alphabets but she does know some of the sounds that the letters make. Today, at dinner time, we played a pre-reading game. I wrote words on paper and they make the sound of each letter of the word and figure out the word that was on the paper. It was pretty silly when I wrote the word "C-A-T" and "S-I-T" and after making the soundS she blurted out "TURTLE" for both words. She did successfully read the word "BAG" and "BIG".

Eating Troubles

I have been concerned lately about Rianne's poor eating decisions. I try to give my family healthy and balanced food choices but she seemed to not have too much appetite lately. It is not very uncommon for her to come home with leftovers from her school lunch or leave her plate half untouched. I do hope it is just a phase or maybe a result of her feeling sick. She started coughing this morning and complained of not feeling good this past few days. I wish I know what to do to help her make better food and eating decisions. We love you Rianne and we pray that you will feel better soon.

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