
Friday, August 22, 2014

Welcome to VPK

First day of school, VPK! We all have been really excited for this. Rianne is wearing her new shirt together with new backpack and lunch bag. We left at around 8 but didn't anticipate that first day is always crazy. We ended up parking really far from the gate and walking enough distance that we just barely made it to the room with a few minutes to spare before the class started at 8:35, whew!
 Rianne, in pink shirt, and Mikelle on their first day of VPK at James B Sanderlin IB School.
Rianne all ready for school!
This is Rianne surviving her first week of school! She had a good time, all in all. No potty accidents, teacher's feedback were all good and the best thing is she loved it! Go Rianne!


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