
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Young Artist

Rianne loves to draw. She spends many time with her paper and crayons. I normally take crayons and paper during sacrament and that pretty much occupy most of her time, thus keeps her quiet and happy. She's made cards for people to thank them for babysitting her and her siblings and for her teacher at primary. She is very artistic and its a blessing to see her develop a love for arts at an early age.

 She draw this portrait of our family this afternoon. I liked how she capture all our smiles and hair. It is fun that according to her, I have the biggest head in the family and that we are a happy and close family, except for dad and his missing mouth.
This is her drawing of herself at school. She told me that she was out of the classroom because they were playing at the playground and the rest of her classmates are already inside and was still on her way in.
 I let Rianne and Mikelle paint on a canvas when I was decorating their bedroom and hanged them on their side of the room.


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